Thursday, January 1, 2009

10 Ways To Quit Smoking Now

The Successfully Stop System

If you ever tried to give up cigarettes, you know there has to be at least 10 ways to quit smoking. You've got your Zyban, patches, hypnotism, cold turkey, gum, pills, sprays, some stop smoking injection, and the list goes on and on. But why is there a need for so many ways to stop smoking, if any one of them were actually successful?

I wouldn't blame you if you were skeptical of any new system that came along, when everything you tried up to this point failed to help you quit. It's been almost like a quit smoking checklist of all the ways that failed to help you stop smoking.

But there is a powerful new quit smoking method called "The Successfully Stop System." This system uses simple psychological tactics to completely rewire your thought patterns on smoking. This is going to completely change the way you feel about cigarettes and smokers, as well as anything you ever thought you knew about cigarettes and smoking.

Understand why the dangers of cigarette smoking, the common reasons for quitting smoking (cancer, heart disease, the constant reek of cigarettes) is still not enough to make people quit smoking. We all realize it is harmful to our health, it stinks, it shrivels you, it is expensive. Yet, we still continue to do it. Stopping smoking is quite obviously not about the reasons why we shouldn't smoke, or this would be enough for us. How do we overcome the addiction? Read to find out exactly what does work for you.

Does this all sound complicated, or maybe too good to be true? Don't believe it, this is the easiest, quickest, cheapest and most pain free method you will ever discover. Forget about the other 10 ways to quit smoking, you are about to discover the one way that actually works to help you give up cigarettes for good.

The Successfully Stop System
As noted by the author, you're not too late to discover a way to finally give pp cigarettes Successfully Stop System today. Read more about other ways to Quit Smoking Here.

Tips On Stopping Smoking Today

Quit Smoking Today

Every smoker has searched tips on stopping smoking, if they have ever tried to give up the cigarettes. They know the dangers of cigarette smoking and the benefits of giving up smoking. But when none of the tips on stopping smoking seem to work, what do you do, where do you turn?

What do you do when the gum, the patches, the silly sprays, and all of the pills have failed you? You keep wasting money on cigarettes and on all those ways to stop smoking, but you still can't seem to kick that habit of smoking.

Do you seem to just lack the will power to quit? Did you fail like 99 out of 100 others that tried to quit? Then understand this. First you need to take the "will" out of "will power", so you are only left with the power to quit smoking. That sounds simple enough, but how do you do that?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming) is a form of psychotherapy which helps people like you, to stop smoking. This recording is ready to download onto your MP3 player or CD and you'll be on your way to a smoke free future.

This recording has been extensively tested on over 5000 smokers. The results were really outstanding with a success rate of 99.7% of the smokers, managed to quit smoking for at least 1 month, with just one listen to the recording. And a follow up to the origional test has 97.2% of the first 5000 have not smoked for over 6 months, since the start of the test. How does this compare to the other tips on stopping smoking you have tried?

The Quit Smoking Today program is certainly the easiest way to get all the dangers of cigarette smoking out of your life once and for all. And accomplish this without the usual problems associated with quitting smoking like cravings, short temper, hunger and weight gain. This Quit Smoking Today program is so successful because it overcomes your desire to ever light up again.

Forget about the other tips on stopping smoking you've tried. You can kick the habit, enjoy the benefits of giving up smoking and start feeling healthier when you try: Quit Smoking Today.
You are about to find out how easy stop smoking can be when you learn about Quit Smoking Today today!. Read more about other Ways To Quit here.